15 Sustainable Gifts for People Who Have Everything

We’ve all been there — someone means the world to you, but you don’t know what possibly to give them to convey your love. You stress about it for weeks and ultimately settle on something you’re not totally excited about. I know that feeling, and I’m trying to avoid it with some thoughtful and sustainableContinue reading “15 Sustainable Gifts for People Who Have Everything”

Lessons from 6 Months of Sustainable Shopping- Cheap Ethical Clothes, Ethical Lingerie, and Sustainability Fails

At the beginning of this year, I made the New Year’s Resolution to stop buying so much stuff — and more importantly, to buy things that were made ethically. I wanted to find thrifted clothes I loved, cheap ethical clothes, ethical lingerie, and ethical homewares. I’m doing a run-down here of some of the itemsContinue reading “Lessons from 6 Months of Sustainable Shopping- Cheap Ethical Clothes, Ethical Lingerie, and Sustainability Fails”

How to Tell If a Company Is Dropshipping: Vitality, Halara, and More

Some of the links in this article are affiliate links, meaning if you buy through them, I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. For more information on affiliate links, click here. Thank you for supporting my writing! If you’re into the fitness sphere on Instagram, it’s no doubt that you’ve comeContinue reading “How to Tell If a Company Is Dropshipping: Vitality, Halara, and More”