Trust me, I take personal privacy seriously. (If it weren’t a foray into another weird blog niche, I’d probably be writing about that too.) This means Girls Love Evidence won’t collect your data unless you chose to give that information to us. When you choose to provide us with your personal information (like your email for my fantastic newsletter), you’re giving Girls Love Evidence permission to use that information for the stated purposes. (Like sending you emails.) If you no longer want emails, you can unsubscribe. Simple as that.
Any information that you do give will always be used to provide a website feature. This means you can comment, get emails, or get links to other articles that pique your interest. If you want to know my intended use of that information, how that information is collected, security measures we take to protect your information, and how to give or rescind consent for the collection and use of that information is fully described in the ‘Privacy Notice’ section.
Privacy Notice
This is the data Girls Love Evidence takes in.
- Contact Info (if you fill out a comment)
- Signup Info (if you sign up for email)
- Demographic Info (I make very little money off ads but it is nice to know who is reading my site so I can better tailor content to those reading)
- Cookies (Nice to not have to login every time you visit)
- IP address/location (Required for commenting scripts)
- Social media accounts (If you link any of my articles to social media, I’ll know that you did. Also, thanks!)
Email Policy
If you send me an email through the Contact portal, I’ll only use your provided email address or phone number to respond to you. That being said, these email transmissions are not encrypted. Don’t send any sensitive information.
Third Party Info
Again, some of the info on this website uses comments and social media plugins. I think that’s pretty nifty because it lets you share my articles with other people and create more community. These services are also used to take data and demographic info on who is coming to the site. If you provide your information (email, IP address, phone number) to third parties, that info is not stored by Girls Love Evidence. I don’t have any access to it.
I don’t take a lot of your information. Just what I need to make this website a decent one. If third parties take your information, that is not under my care. If you decide you would very much like to be excluded from this narrative you can…
- Ask for a list of the information I have about you
- Request that I change, correct, or delete your information
- Request that I don’t collect any more information in the future