Finding The Best Mood Support Supplements for Women- 5 “Natural” Mood Boosters

Mental health is an important issue to me — my mom is a counselor, and I live with a variety of mental health conditions. Either because of the difficulty of finding a provider, or the stigma associated with seeking treatment, many people turn to the internet for help, and this is totally understandable. Unfortunately, thisContinue reading “Finding The Best Mood Support Supplements for Women- 5 “Natural” Mood Boosters”

Wellness Trends We Need to Leave Behind

With the end of the year coming in about 5 hours, I wanted to look back to see which wellness trends caught my eye this year, and give predictions for wellness trends in 2022. I like having a yearly wrap-up, and I thought this would be a fun way to touch on all the thingsContinue reading “Wellness Trends We Need to Leave Behind”

Everything You Wanted to Know About At-Home Food Sensitivity Tests

I was first diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as a college freshman. Having barely had a yearly cold while I was a kid, feeling suddenly vulnerable to the whims of my body was a rude adjustment. I spent months going to the doctor, with nothing really helping. Had at-home food sensitivity tests existed whenContinue reading “Everything You Wanted to Know About At-Home Food Sensitivity Tests”

Let’s Talk pH: Debating the Benefits of Alkaline Water

Mentions of the benefits of alkaline water or an alkaline diet show up in a fair amount of health blogs and wellness columns. If you’re looking to end your stomach pain, try an alkaline diet and drink alkaline water. If you’re worried about your cancer risk, try alkaline water. Bone density, muscle loss, growth hormones,Continue reading “Let’s Talk pH: Debating the Benefits of Alkaline Water”