A few weeks ago, the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) added the artificial sweetener aspartame to a list of possible carcinogens, and the media freaked out. Soon, my social media feed was filled with “Diet Coke gives you cancer!,” “aspartame IS a carcinogen! soda is killing us!”and a million other headlines fromContinue reading “In Defense of Diet Coke: Aspartame is a Carcinogen?”
Tag Archives: science
Can You Reset the Vagus Nerve for Stress Relief?
My TikTok algorithm has figured out that I feel a fair amount of stress and anxiety, and gives me all kinds of suggestions to resolve it. Most recently, it’s started showing me techniques to reset the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve, running from your brain to your intestines, and itContinue reading “Can You Reset the Vagus Nerve for Stress Relief?”
Sugar Free Wine Doesn’t Exist. Neither Does Sulfite Free Wine.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that my life is basically studying for law school, drinking wine, and reading about science. I’m genuinely interested in the science, history, and geography of wine as well as the taste, and I love learning about it. Like many of the topics on here, this one comesContinue reading “Sugar Free Wine Doesn’t Exist. Neither Does Sulfite Free Wine.”
BPA in Athletic Clothes: Should You Be Concerned?
Tons of people have sent me news articles this week about athletic clothes containing BPA. This comes after the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) sending legal notices to 15 athletic clothes brands after testing showed that many clothing items contained high levels of BPA (Bisphenol A). Naturally, people are concerned, because BPA exposure is associatedContinue reading “BPA in Athletic Clothes: Should You Be Concerned?”
Finding The Best Mood Support Supplements for Women- 5 “Natural” Mood Boosters
Mental health is an important issue to me — my mom is a counselor, and I live with a variety of mental health conditions. Either because of the difficulty of finding a provider, or the stigma associated with seeking treatment, many people turn to the internet for help, and this is totally understandable. Unfortunately, thisContinue reading “Finding The Best Mood Support Supplements for Women- 5 “Natural” Mood Boosters”
9 Things You Need To Know To Fact-Check Wellness Trends
Read up on these simple tips to better understand science and empower you to fact-check wellness trends yourself. Evidence-based health and wellness doesn’t have to be hard!
Everything You Wanted to Know About At-Home Food Sensitivity Tests
I was first diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as a college freshman. Having barely had a yearly cold while I was a kid, feeling suddenly vulnerable to the whims of my body was a rude adjustment. I spent months going to the doctor, with nothing really helping. Had at-home food sensitivity tests existed whenContinue reading “Everything You Wanted to Know About At-Home Food Sensitivity Tests”
Probiotics for Women- The Truth About Probiotics for Vaginal Health
A side effect of writing this blog is getting a LOT of targeted ads for various supplements, vitamins, and probiotics. It’s awesome because it gives me constant content, but also sends me on weird rabbit holes and makes me wonder whether these things are maybe actually worth their salt. Today we’re talking about so-called “probioticsContinue reading “Probiotics for Women- The Truth About Probiotics for Vaginal Health”
Let’s Talk pH: Debating the Benefits of Alkaline Water
Mentions of the benefits of alkaline water or an alkaline diet show up in a fair amount of health blogs and wellness columns. If you’re looking to end your stomach pain, try an alkaline diet and drink alkaline water. If you’re worried about your cancer risk, try alkaline water. Bone density, muscle loss, growth hormones,Continue reading “Let’s Talk pH: Debating the Benefits of Alkaline Water”
Does Adaptogen Coffee Work? The Science of Adaptogens
Coffee without the caffeine crash and the potential to reduce stress—is adaptogen coffee the secret to good mornings?