
Welcome to Girls Love Evidence, my side project, brainchild, and probably the reason I’m yelling at my computer. My name is Al, and I’m a science communicator and attorney.

girls love evidence about al - al is in the middle of a field with her arms outstretched and is wearing a blue top and blue leggings

I was born and raised in Colorado, where I learned to love skiing, trail runs, and cold sunny days. I graduated with a bachelor’s in Biochemistry and French from the University of Denver, and shortly after moved to France, where I got my master’s in Cancer Biology.

During the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, I started this blog to combine my love for writing with my love for scientifically accurate information.

There aren’t enough spaces online that approach issues of health and wellness from an evidence-based lens, and I wanted to change that. Influencers, wellness blogs, and even some health professionals promote health trends that have very little scientific evidence to back them up.

I’m based in the Bay Area, and live with my chonky little dog and extremely compassionate partner.

I am now an attorney, and work in intellectual property and regulatory law. While topics I talk about on here might have some overlap with my legal practice, this blog is representative of my own views and not those of my law firm.

Support Girls Love Evidence

I want good quality, understandable information to be accessible to everyone, and I don’t want to sell your data to third parties or slow down your computer with a million ads.

If you want to support my writing, I occasionally post affiliate links for products I genuinely love.