Can You Reset the Vagus Nerve for Stress Relief?

My TikTok algorithm has figured out that I feel a fair amount of stress and anxiety, and gives me all kinds of suggestions to resolve it. Most recently, it’s started showing me techniques to reset the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve, running from your brain to your intestines, and itContinue reading “Can You Reset the Vagus Nerve for Stress Relief?”

Finding The Best Mood Support Supplements for Women- 5 “Natural” Mood Boosters

Mental health is an important issue to me — my mom is a counselor, and I live with a variety of mental health conditions. Either because of the difficulty of finding a provider, or the stigma associated with seeking treatment, many people turn to the internet for help, and this is totally understandable. Unfortunately, thisContinue reading “Finding The Best Mood Support Supplements for Women- 5 “Natural” Mood Boosters”